Sunday, June 26, 2011

“Breaking News”

Reports are coming in from Eretz Yisroel that after the bais din came down to Wickliffe, Rabbi Levin has been making calls to people in Eretz Yisroel complaining that the Bais Din is a bias Bais Din for Gifter.

As soon as more details are available we will post an update

Friday, June 24, 2011



We would like to thank the readers for sending in updates from this past week in Wickliffe, for all of you that did not hear the update the bais din came down to Wickliffe (June 20 - 21) to talk to the rebbim in the yeshiva to get a real feel of what is going on. B"H they came out seeing all the sheker that the "New Hanhala" have been saying

Below are a few of the things that were sent in. If you have any updates please feel free to send it in so we can post it

1) When Eisenberg and Shapiro told the bais din that they have been paying the employes of the yeshiva on time, the bais din responded that some of the rebbim told them that they have not been paid in a while!!!

2) Even after Avrohom Chaim Levin came down to Wickliffe and spoke to the employes of the yeshiva and told them that they must talk bad to the bais din about gifter it seems that most of the rebbim told the bais din the facts the way it is and did not listen to levin (and Ausband) to lie to the bais din.

3) The newest story that Eisenberg (and the "New Hanhala") came up with was that Rav Gifter zt"l never wanted the yeshiva to go to his son. Gifters toan (lawyer) ask the bais din and eisenberg if true why did the hanhala sign a letter saying that gifter is the menahel of the yeshiva and go against what Rav Gifter zt"l wanted? eisenberg answered that that was a way of making gifter the fundraiser with a nice title. Gifters toan answered back if so why does it say on the next line of the letter that he is in charge of all ruchnius and gashmius (monetary and education) of the yeshiva!

4) We would like to thank moshe rasha Barkin for making a chilul hashem in the lobby of the hotel insisting that he have the zechus to bring the bais din back to the airport for no other reason other than to have the zechus and nothing to do with the fact that he was not able to control himself and was screaming at the bais din the day before that gifter is a horrible person

5) I heard from reliable source that The hanhalla called in 2 rabbaim after finding out that they told b"d that the hanhalla is destroying the yeshiva and told them be aware we know what u said !!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear Readers:

To the hundreds of readers that left their heart felt comments, we would like to share the following thought with you.

“The Chofetz Chaim wrote a sefer against lashon hara, but the same Chofetz Chaim was the biggest zealot in speaking out against the innovators of his time.” These people are the innovators of this generation.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Telshe Yeshiva's 69th Annual Scholarship Dinner

As some of you have received in an email from David Greenwald “Boruch Hashem, the Telshe Yeshiva's 69th Annual Scholarship Dinner was a huge success.  In fact, this year was the most successful dinner in Telshe history!” “The evening was graced with the presence of Avrohom Chaim Levin, of Telshe Chicago and with the guest speaker, Avrohom Ausband, of Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni Riverdale.”
             I would like to explain to the readers a little different view, a view from someone who was at the dinner and it was far from how the people of Telshe would like you to believe.
             Let me first ask you how a dinner can be successful, if before the guest speaker gets up to speak a huge part of the crowd leaves?
             As for what this guest speaker said:
 All of us Telzers know that Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Bloch zt”l together with Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Katz zt”l (Reb Mottel) started Telshe Yeshiva Cleveland from scratch. So how can someone even think of saying that Telz Cleveland belongs to the Ausbands because their great grandfather was the one who started telz in Lithuania? I am very sorry to say the holocaust did happen and Telz Lita was all destroyed. But let us not get off track; please take a minute to understand what this so called guest speaker was trying to say.
As all of you have heard there are big problems in Cleveland. Until now you had 2 sides, 1 side was Gifter that his father Rabbi Mordechai Gifter zt”l gave over the yeshiva to his son, the other side was the Steins being supported by Levin, Keller, Glustein, Howowitz, Levitansky, Eisenberger, Goldberg and behind the scenes was Ausband who up until recently was unknown to the public that he was involved (we will get back to this in a moment) they all said that Gifter has no clue how to run a yeshiva we can do a much better job so goodbye Gifter we are running the place! I am not here to explain the back and forth between the 2 sides, that we will leave for the bais din. But let me ask you a question did any of you ever hear of such a thing that if you don’t like the way the owner of a company is running his company you can tell him to leave! As far as I know the employee quits his job and opens his own company if he is unhappy? But then the Ribono Shel Olam throws in a fork into this mess and the Stein’s can’t run the yeshiva anymore and the true colors start coming out, this is not a fight against Gifter for the Stein’s, each and every person who is fighting is fighting his own battle just the common enemy at this point is: "they all have to get rid of Gifter!" As you now understand that Ausband and Goldberg were never interested in the Steins they think that the yeshiva belongs to them just they themselves can’t get rid of Gifter so they team up with the others.
Now let’s understand why Ausband until now has been very quiet to the outside world. I say outside world because Rabbi Dovid Feinstein Shlita said that before he came out with his pesak regarding Telz, Ausband didn’t stop bothering the bais din that they should not put out a pesak for Gifter's. Let’s go back in time a little bit and explain the Ausband Gifter relationship. Those of you who remember and listened to the levaya of Rabbi Mordechai Gifter zt”l which was held in Darchei Torah might remember that when Ausband got up to speak he keep saying “i have to ask Mechilah” WHY? What did he do that such a so called “close talmid” would keep saying by his rebbe’s levaya that “i have to ask mechila” but never end up asking it? To answer this we have to explain how Telshe Alumni Yeshiva came about.
Telshe Alumni started out first in Westfield NJ, when Rabbi Mordechai Gifter zt”l sent his son in-law and talmid to open a yeshiva but due to vicious anti-Semitism, the yeshiva had to move it was then that their Rebbe said “UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE ARE YOU TO MOVE TO RIVERDALE” and when Ausband came and said they can’t find anywhere to go Rav Gifter said “rent a place upstate and everything will work out "BUT DON’T GO TO RIVERDALE”.  As history has it the yeshiva went to Riverdale and Rav Gifter’s son in-law left the yeshiva. This is the so called close talmid of Rav Gifter zt”l. 
So my friends I ask you is this the type of people we want educating the leaders of the next generation? Do we want our children to learn not to listen to their rebbe?